Thursday, July 21, 2011

Atheists and secularists do you buy religiously slaughtered meat? And why it's not labelled? ?

In most of the part of the world it's not labelled hence you cannot identify. So have you written to your mp or any state authorities regarding labelling of meat?

I Have A Super Fast Metabolism, How Can Gain A Substantial Amount in About Two Months?

Ive tried Ensure.. Whey protein & I workout out, Im About 110, Very Cut, Im trying to Pack weight and increase My Muscle Mass. Thanks !

Did the American Medical Association ever figure out a way to reduce the supply of Physicians?

The AMA only represents 1 out 3 doctors. I would not be surprised if they want to get rid of that other 2 out 3. Its just the nature of organizations.

Obama's early life if interested in real facts?

Even though this is not a question I cannot thank you enough for using facts to show where Obama was born rather than false claims backed up by little evidence. Good for you!

Girls what kind of guys do you like (like shy to confident, geeks to bad boys)?

I'm a girl and it seems like I'm attracted to all the geeks, nerds, loners, and the shy guys who don't have many friends. I don't find almost any of the guys other girls who label as hot, cute, or sexy attractive. I think the guys that are cute are the kind of guys who aren't at all popular or sit alone at lunch or love computers and things like that. Is that weird at all?

Where can i buycheap discounted items?

im looking for items such as coach purses maui jim sunglasses fashion Accessories like that but i want to be able to buy them new and cheap!!!!!!! i found a website where if you start a business you can buy oakley sunglasses for 16dollars and they are real and i can sell them to make a profit i need websites like that discounted real products not overstock or amazon actual websites that specialize in one product discounted thank you

Why are women labeled? Typical Question?

What defines a female as being a hoe or a *****? I feel like boys just put that on every female but don't you have to have sex with a lot of guys or do something to be labeled. Just asking.

How much would an entertainment lawyer cost if I wanted to get some backup before I signed a label?

I'm a steadily growing musician that really wants to sign with a record label, but I don't know if I should grab an Entertainment Attorney first. Are they expensive? And if not, around what time should I get one in my musical career? Thanks!!

Christians do you want to help the world or get to heaven?

Go to heaven .And serve the Lord ,motivated by His love and what He has done for me on the cross,while I'm still around in this world.Hope this helps.

I have a new video game with interested companies, but I need some financing to get started, who can help me?

I have a couple of companies who are interested in creating this new game that could sweep the globe, but I need a small fee to get this started. I am willing to pay back double the investment to the willing party just to get this great game off the ground. Maybe with a substantial investment, I may even consider part of the royalties for a period of time.

How to meet guys on vacation?

This summer I am going to Maui, Hawaii for 2 weeks. I am 14 and I really would like to meet some hot guys to make the vacation more exciting. I always meet friends on vacation and usually guys will talk to me, but I want to be able to make the first move without being nervous. Any tips on meeting guys while I'm on vacation? Also, what should I do to get their attention?

What does it mean when a mailing label says "Bill third party"?

If you and HP are the only parties involved, it appears that the "third party" in this case is HP itself. That is, it was shipped at their expense.

I was told being atheist is...?

well since you believe in only yourself, and no supernatural deities, you are atheist. And when people are harassing you harass their assses back ya know. You should get shirts that have pictures of the devil on them and just walk through town bein a boss

Can guys play "HARD TO GET" too?

My take on this situation elizabeth, is your boyfriend doesn't want to deal with long distance. And what he is did was talked to you for a full week.. every day.. to get you used to him being in your life, then you pulled a fast one and started ignoring you. That is bascially how boys play hard to get lol... what you need to do, if its in your best interest, to just talk to him bout the situation here, and find a better alternative to him trying to guilt you back into a relationship, but if you really have somethign wit this guy keep it lol, i just broke up with my girlfriend and i've regretted it every day for the past 2 weeks. Grief isn't fun so stick wit him haha i hope this helped yu out a lil(:

How to make red lipstick less shiny?

I just bought a red lipstick at Sephora (from their own label) but as soon as I tried it at home I found out it was to shiny. is there anyway I can make it less shiny and more matte?

Do Maui and Sons surf shirts compress the chest well?

I'll be going to the beach/pool a lot this summer and being identified as a male is hard at the pool/beach, because there is no way to bind. I'm about an A cup and I found that Academy carries Maui and Sons surf shirts but I want to know if they flatten the chest enough to pass in public.

Are there any hair salons in Baltimore MD that specialize in scene hair?

I don't like labels but if I had to my label would be scene and I usually cut and dye my own hair but th style I want is a little difficult this time and so is there any salons in Baltimore MD that could do a good job and not f**ck it up?

Has anyone bought a kritter bed from Ikea?

My son is two years old and I'm wondering whether to go for an Ikea intermediate bed or a more substantial full sized bed. How durable and how long can a child sleep on them - do they live up to the robustness of a normal bed? Or would you reccommend we just skip to a full size bed with guards?

How Much Would a Flight from Texas to Maui Cost?

There's a contest and if I win, I get to go there for free, but I'm only sixteen, so I need my mom to go with me. She would have to pay her own way, and I need to find a cheap way for her to go with me. If you have a better idea than flying, I'm all ears (airplanes scare me).

Neighbor speaks only to hubby should hubby reciprocate?

The neighbor lady speaks only to my husband and he talks sweetly to her. He will also initiate conversation with her but not her husband. I don't see my husband being loyal to me since she behaves as if I am not there or as if she is better than I am. She will engage him conversation and went I walk out the talking stops. I say she is flirting and by continuing to be friendly he is encouraging her and being disloyal to me. Are my feelings substantial?

Caribbean cruise... worth it?

Hey everyone! I live in Hawaii and our family is flying to Florida for a couple of weeks this summer. Is it worth it to fit a Caribbean Cruise in the middle so we don't get super bored in Florida (We've been to Florida at least 30 times, we used to live on the East Coast) How would you compare Grand Cayman and Cozumel to Hawaii (Maui especially)? and also.. if you know.. how are Isla Roatan and Belize City compared to Hawaii? thank you!!

How do you spell all the Pooh Bears Charecters names?

I have to draw a picture, and im labeling each of the pooh bear characters, but i don't know how to spell them...HELP!!!

What to get a friend as a gift from Hawaii?

get your friend some chocolate covered mcadanian nuts and get your friend a really cool hawaii t-shirt.

If theres a new girl in high school, would being pretty heighten her chances of making new friends?

specifically on maui, but if you don't know, how about at your school? if for example there's a new junior girl and she's a model which means she's really pretty and has a nice body (she's also filipino-chinese-hispanic), will more people approach her to be friends with her or would they treat her like some average looking girl (also keep in mind she's filipino-chinese-hispanic)? i know different views will result from different schools/locations so i'd like you to answer in terms of your own school/location. also, if the people mostly in your school/location is different from her race, how would most of them react to her?

I am in year two of a three year Ch13 Repayment plan.?

Since filing I have a 620 credit score due to the following, a secured credit card, a secured personal loan, and a secured car loan through a bank that has been paid back on time. My question is this, how long will it be before I can get financed for a home? I have been working in Dubai the past few years and have managed to earn pretty good free. I have a 20% down payment based on a home in the $300,000-$400,000 and a substantial savings account.

Which cruise should I choose?

My personal preference would be the second, longer cruise, but they both look WONDERFUL! I would, of course, consider the flight(s). If you are in Australia, the first cruise would require a very long flight at the end, and if you are in the US there would be a very long flight at the beginning. If you are in Australia, the second cruise would not require a very long flight at either end of the cruise, but if you are in the US you would have TWO very long flights.

What is the difference in labeling of Ibuprofen?

At Wall mart you have Ibuprofen labeled one for migraine, another version labeled for inflammation, and another version of ibuprofen labeled for pain....all of these products have the same mg of active ingredients, I tell my wifes aunt who reads the labels and believes every word, that these labels are designed by advertising people and she needs to take these labels with a grain of salt..........true or false?

HDMI to VGA adapter on Maui?

Planning to dual monitor with my 42" HDTV, but I only have a VGA port on my laptop. Any areas on Maui have 'em? Cheap price, 6 ft., not made out of crap, and is HDMI to VGA. If not, give me some online links like Amazon.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gay, bi, and lesbian people, tell me why do some of you base your entire identity on your sexual orientation?

One thing that confuses me is how people base thier entire identity on their sexual orientation. I am a bisexual transguy, mostly gay though but this is not my entire identity. I am bisexual/gay, but I am also an animal lover, I love music (metalica, evanescence, avril, katy perry, linkin park list goes on and on), I have a killer sense of humor, I love watching people get pranked, I like plants, I hate bullying, I hate vegtables (except corn and potatoes) and so many other little things about me. I am so much more than just these labels people try to pin on me and myself. Again I hope I do not offend anyone but why base your whole identity off of your sexual orientation? GLB people out their, do any of you agree with this? Tell me who are you besides Gay lesbian or bi?

How to cook lo mein noodles?

Well, yeah, first you boil them for about 5 minutes, then you have to fry them up in some oil and preferred sauce for a few minutes. I also put in veggies and meat...and it tastes better than the take out.

Silicone Breast implants before 22?Deformities?

Agreed with the above poster. Be happy with what you have. No real guy would care about what you look like or the size of your breasts. It's up to you though on what you want to do...

Why are people so concerned with the word fake?

It seems like thats what girls are labeling eachother, and to be "real" they say whatever is on their mind even if it's rude. But honestly, how can you tell if someone is fake or not?

Legally Reverse Bipolar Diagnosis?

Sue the doctors who originally diagnosed you. If you can establish that they were wrong you can get your record cleared.

I can't chew anything..................?

I just got braces yesterday and my teeth hurt a LOT. I haven't eaten anything but coffee and some sugar-free ice cream all day. Yesterday I had the stomach flu and threw up everything I ate from the day before getting braces. So basically I haven't eaten anything substantial in 2 1/2 days. Is this unhealthy? My stomach flu is totally gone but I still can't eat anything.

How many people here are writing their own comic/story?

And if u are briefly explain the main idea of the story and say what genre it is (action, adventure...whatever u label it)

Anyone worked or heard about San Antonio Marketing Inc.?

Ive researched about it and found some bad stuff but I still need more info. about them. The website is not really substantial enough. I applied for them but withdrew when I read these bad stuff, but they kept calling and email-ing me which makes it more suspicious.

I have this pain on the top of my foot when I run. HELP!?

Just by looking at photos of feet on the internet with the bones labeled, the area of pain is around the intermediate cuneiform bone and the lateral cuneiform bone. it hurts every time i run and when i walk. not sure if its the bone or the muscles and tendons around it. It also hurts when i apply pressure to it with my hands. I hope this is enough info. if not, ask me some more questions that will help you give me a good answer. How would i treat this pain?


Don't try to handle recovery by yourself. You are already slipping into bad habits. Talk to a friend or family member quickly!

Is this normal at the start or at any point of my period?

So my period started yesterday, with some brownish residue that came down that indicated I was about the start my period, sure enough later that day it started with a regular blood flow. Earlier today I inserted a tampon and the proper number of hours later I removed it and actually took a look at it before I threw it out. It appeared to have obviously blood on it and some brownish residue towards the bottom, a substantial amount not like all over but enough for me to notice. The residue didn't have a foul smell (I know it sounds gross but I was kinda worried so I did do the smell test) or anything but I am worried it could be something serious? Im 17 years old, not sexually active, I take good care of that area, I bathe regularly and clean it properly, etc so is this normal at the start of my period? Im only on my first full day. I read somewhere this could be a sign of like polypos or something like that, basically tumors in the uterus...Im kind of scared.

I'm paranoid about what he does without me?

if i were you i would be honest with him or leave him....he obviously doesnt know what commitment means! he's just using his recent breakup as an excuse to keep you around...its not okay for him to throw parties without inviting you because he should have nothing to hide from you...if he seriously cares about you then he will want the relatioship to work... but if he doesnt want you to be his girlfriend then your just wasting time..good luck

Nuclear power debate paper help?

i have a final assignment in chemistry that i need help on. on the matter of whether or not nuclear power should continue to be utilized, i would like to take the stance tthat it should NOT. with this in mind, what points should i make to back it up? some talking points i would like to include would be cost, effects on the human body (radiation), social & political concerns including nuclear waste, and anything else you can think of that are cons of nuclear power. the FIRST substantial answer i get ill give 10 points

How should I do my hair for my girlfriend's sweet 16?

I have no idea how to do my hair. I don't like to label myself but I'm a metalhead and I have really long hair. It's passed my nipples and almost to my ribs. I'm not going to cut it because I didn't spend 4 years for nothing so should I put it in a pony tail or should I leave it down? If you say a braid or corn rolls or whatever you are a dumb a$$ I want a serious answer. Btw Im obviously gonna be wearing a tux.

Why dont Libs understand the relevance of the newly released documents from INS on Obama SR?

Considering that there was a child born, the marriage would be assumed to be a real marriage. ∠°)

How are metal kitchen cabinets attached to wall?

These are all metal except for formica clad doors which were common in the fifties.. I want to remove one section to make headroom there. I removed screws connecting to cabinets on either side. Since there are no screws through the back into the wall, I theorize that it is hung on a flat hook into a stirrup similar to how a wall mount bathroom sink is sometimes hung. But substantial banging on the bottom does not get it too rise up. Does anyone know how they are removed?

What are the best looking polarized sunglasses for men?

I lifeguard during the summer and the glare hurts my eyes. I'm looking for a pair, but can't seem to find the right fit for me. Maui Jim's are too expensive, Hobbie glasses are too thick surrounding the lens, Aviators aren't really my style, and I feel Ray-Bans are a fad I don't want to be a part of. Any clue as to what would be a good pair for me to try? I like orange lenses so if that is an option that is a plus. I also dislike the show-off kind of glasses, so keep it classy please. Post links if you can. I'm shooting for a price range of $50-230.

Why cant I click the "sketch" button on my Variable Section Sweep?

I created a simple sweep and all I am trying to do is sketch the cross section. I clicked the sweep and its highlighted in red and labeled origin. When I click the sketch button, a prompt says "select any number of chains as trajectories for the sweep". Im not quite sure what that means. Is there something else im missing here? Im using Wildfire Pro/Engineer 5.0. Thanks to anyone who can help.

20 and i am getting acne again, could it be a sign of a growth spurt?

This is just wishful thinking but I am 20 and I am getting acne all over again. The last time I had a acne problem was back in eight grade and I had a substantial growth spurt. I've been eating healthy and keeping myself clean so it is not a hygiene problem. But I was just wondering if it could be a sign that I am growing again.

Tidy Cats Litter for multiple cats for one kitten?

OMG NO ITS NOT SAFE TO USE. the litter is self aware and as soon as it realizes multiple cats aren't using it, it will probably kidnap your cat and then cut you in your sleep.

Why the heck is everyone pushing me to get a girlfriend?

Just simply state why you wouldn't want to date a girl and you find them pushing you to get one a little controlling. You're in control of your relationships not them, so you find the right girl not them. Something along those lines, good luck :)

Behind a bar hangs a sign: "NO imitation intimation for intimidation!" What's? +...?

There are 7 signs total. The others have a similar message and have language labels aside them, yet they all are in plain English. Each has a key word (as in the 1st) and you can feel it out from there as to how the remainder might read. Find the keys and its fate as public is sealed. Can you? It won't be the end of the world if you don't, but it will be the end if you do, of ignorance of destructive aversion. I have 5, can't find 2.

Questions about motorcycle driver license?

Call your local DMV, laws vary state to state. Usually you do not, but again, call the DMV to make sure.

Which split sole dance sneakers are better: Bloch, Capezio or Sansha?

I find that my sansha shoes have lasted much longer. I don't recommend sansha for when you get point shoes though.

Seeking help from dog owners!?

Sorry but I agree with your mom. A small aggressive issue can turn into a large one. Until your dogs behavior issues are corrected by a wonderful trainer and great socialization, it should not return to the dog park

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

For Lady Gaga fans: What are you expecting on her next project?

Just bought Born This Way,The album.I was a bit insecure about this one considering all the hype surrounding it,but have to say im both amazed and surprised about this album.she has kind of put back imagination and effort in pop music.I love the dark,distinct and unique theme that every song has.When she said she was influenced by Iron Maiden,i didnt take her seriously,but i can really notice that influence in her writing style,and music.She has come a long way from that The Fame girl.Album doesn't have a stand out track like Bad Romance,but its substantial and shows the breadth of her talent.I always thought her vocals were kind of average,but she does have an impressive vocal range.After listening to this album,no one should call her Madonna wannabe or Katy Perry/kesha equivalent.What are you expecting next from her?

Why do people believe in ghosts?

Science deals with the physical. So how exactly were you expecting science to document the existence of ghosts -- which AREN'T physical? Science is obviously the wrong tool. Again, it deals with the physical, and obviously ghosts aren't physical.

My moped isnt running with the power it used to?

i just bought a used roketa maui 50cc with 700 miles on it rode it b4 i bought it ran perfect i rode it at my house then 1 day later i rode it and then it lost lots of power accellerates real slow but i can get it up to top speed the same it just doesnt accelerate or have the power that it used to it doesnt go up hills like it use to either. the owner let it sit for like 3 yrs if that helps if any one knows what the problem please let me know thanks

Which Hawaiian islands should I visit on my October 10 day honeymoon?

I definitely want to see Kauai, but don't know if I should do Maui or Oahu as a second island. I don't think I'll have time for 3. Also any recommendations, especially with accommodations, or travel tips you have are very appreciated! Thanks!

Nigh clubs in Hawaii?

Im turning 18 in July, and Ive never been on a plane or been to Hawaii. Im getting that for my 18th b-day. I was wondering if there were any 18+ night clubs on Maui??

Are there any substantial changes in Ocarina of Time 3D?

It will probably be 95% the exact same game if you take away the Master Quest. There might be a small difference here and there but overall don't expect to be playing a totally new game if you played Ocarina of Time back on the N64. That being said, the graphics are much better on the 3DS (not to mention, they will be in 3D). Expect to use the circle pad to move Link around, and then the A and B button, and likely a third button which will be "Z" from the N64 controller. More information on controls will be avaliable with the game in the form of the instructions.

What do I need to do to get my bird from Hawaii and to California?

My grandma passed away. She has a parrot my family would like to care for. My grandmas lives in Maui. We all live in California. My parents are going to Hawaii tomorrow. What do i need to have them do, to get the parrot back? Where should I look? Who should I call? I can't get through to anyone at the Hawaiian Consulate. For dogs/cats it requires an physical/vaccines and microchip with possible quarantine. But what about Birds?

For whoever watched the casey anthony trial?

what did you think of trial today? I am most intrigued by the forensic pathologist when he said the toxicology report came back negative for chloroform amongst other things and the pros. did not re- direct that. Is this substantial? The negative toxicology report? Or what... why did they not re-direct that?

Can I get an airline employee when I'm about to board my flight?

You know that desk that you go to to check in or something and you give in your suitcases and label your carry-ons? Well can I get an airline employee to accompany me on my trip from Montreal-Istanbul, Turkey (direct flight)? I'm only 13 years old and I asked a previous question and someone said that human trafficking and prostitution was a big issue in Turkey so it wouldn't be a good idea to go alone. He also said that I would need to pay 100$ for the employee. Is this true?

How long should you wait to take a shower after using maui babe browning lotion to tan outside?

You can shower whenever. But I have heard you should wait 2 hours for your tan to "set" before showering. The longer you wait the better though.

Why did the US support the Khmer Rouge and what's the best book available on this issue?

I'm backpacking through Southeast Asia and today I visited Cambodia's Killing Fields and the Genocide Museum. I haven't been able to study the Khmer Rouge, but I was interested in some of the writings in the museums--one display said that the US and its allies gave substantial assistance to the Khmer Rouge, but other displays said that Khmer Rouge officials killed anyone suspected of having any involvement with the CIA, which seems inconsistent at least superficially. I read a display that suggested that the US supported the Khmer Rouge only because they wanted to help any enemy of Vietnam, but is that all there was to it or was there more going on? Can anyone suggest a good book on this topic? (And while I understand that the human side is very important and terrible, I'm interested in reading a book that more discusses the political/international relations side of who supported the Khmer Rouge and why.)

Does anyone know any independent record labels in the bay area?

Check out my song "Everyone starts From Somewhere" on youtube i have 10 songs total on youtube and like 20 songs total done on my laptop

What do you think Arizona Sheriff: Wildfires Likely Started by Mexican Drug Traffickers, Smugglers?

To hear of this blame in this century is very sad.. this fires are acts of Nature,, storms, lightning. etc, why blame the Mexicans ? put the blame where it belongs, Nature and the evil spirits Arizona is attracting.. Acts Of Nature.

I want to plan a vacation to Maui , I would like a hotel/resort/condo right on the beach. Where should I stay?

There are so many places it is hard to give you the name of just one without knowing your preferences and budget. I would look at the trip advisor website for condos around Lahaina: a href="," rel="nofollow"…/a Ka'anapali a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a or Kihei: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I appreciate the ratings and reviews from other guests and the links they provide to compare prices with several different booking sites including the condo/hotel's own website. I prefer condos over hotels since they are usually much more spacious and I like having the kitchen to have the option of reheating leftovers from restaurant meals or be able to prepare a few meals, snacks or beverages. Aston has several condo resort properties on Maui that you might want to consider. Stop off at the Costco near the airport on the way to your condo to stock up on a few things at great prices. Don't miss the sunrise on top of Haleakala! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Would I get internet?

You won't get Internet access unless you are flying a segment from either Toronto or Montreal to Los Angeles. Only the portion of the flight that overflies the US mainland will be in the coverage area.

Why label ourselves as Individuals under a religion?

Then just call yourself a Theist and do away with organized religion, many people have chosen that instead.

How to edit a pepsi label?

im going to take the label off of a bottle of pepsi. then, i will scan it on my computer. then i will edit it with photoshop cs5 . i want to put all the answers i need and take out the nutrition facts, replaceing it with the answers. but how can i do that with cs5 i want to change the nutrition fact and put words thx

Can anyone help me get a job as an RN?

I have been an RN for 17 years and any help anyone can give me in securing a job on either Oahu or Maui would be greatly appreciated.

What is something you dont think about when you think about Maui,Hawaii?

What are some places/ activities that are in Maui,Hawaii that you dont think of when you think of going there/imagining it?

Planning a family trip....?

I am planning an extended family trip to Hawaii. We will be leaving July 31 and coming back on August 9. My husband and I have six children(age 5,7,9,11,15,17) my brother has one son (6) My sister-in-law has two children(13,15) My sister is coming as well as her two sons (28,30) My nephew(30) is bringing his eight year old daughter. My mother is also coming. All together there are 16 of us. Is there any tips to making this easier. How can I keep the kids busy on the plane. What about at the hotel. Is there any amusement parks near or in Hawaii.What toys should I take on the plane.(that are not to noisy but will keep the kids occupied) We will be flying with west jet and staying at the four seasons maui.

Do you believe in signs? I am freaked out by this?

I graduated college five years ago. I had a close friend during it, who was mutual friend of me and my gf. but after I broke upbw my gf the attraction btwn me and my friend grew to point we made out a cpl times. Then the next fall she said 'I've never done that w anyone who was just a friend' I assume she meant prior to me? Then i told her that she was the person I wanted to be with, and she said 'not right now' but soon stopped talking to me. I asked her why this was a yr after. She wouldn't tell me but then posted something on her status about how she loved someone whose situation made her run away. We then went four years without talking. Saturday morning I woke up from a dream about her and felt like consumed by missing her. Then I go online and she messages me out of the blue. i told her in the conversation about the dream and she asked what happened in it bc she is good at analyzing dreams. i told her, and she said it meant to leave my comfort zone. she also asked what label i would give her if I was, and i said she was a good friend i was attracted to you and that i missed her. Is this a sign? Do you think she still is interested? How can I find out?

Good hotels on Maui, close to other attractions?

My husband and I are looking for a nice hotel on Maui close to maybe some shops/ restaurants? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Snowy wedding or Maui wedding?

Snow because its beautiful. Already perfectly white for the event. Also, when it snows its magical which is what you want on your special day. Maui? Lame!

UPS Electronic Shipping label.....?

As long as you are using clear tape you can go over the bar code. In fact it is better to use clear tape over the entire level that way it won't get torn during shipping.

Oblivion Mod, Blue Goddess Help.?

On youtube i have found an oblivion mod labeled blue goddess and i cant seem to find the mod,if someone could help that would be great! Here is the link to the video. I'm mainly looking for her head gear/hat.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How to insert symbols on blogspot, before "blog archive" and labels, such as arrows, little balls etc?

The gadgets "blog archive"and "labels" are already working properly on my blog (blogspot). But I'd like to see/insert, symbols such as arrows, for example, on the left side of the month (blog archive), and, maybe, little circles, or stars, besides "labels"(which are ordered on a "list", btw). Help, please!! Thanks.

NFL Opinion: Buy or Sell: Burress release is relevant because of the lockout?

I think it is. Only reason he's being paid any attention is because of the lack of other NFL news due to the lockout. Any other normal NFL year he'd have been paid as much attention as Pacman Jones or some other scrub. I actually think he's overrated. He's only had two double digit TD seasons and never had 100 reception seasons for such a proclaimed red zone threath and possession receiver. So I really doubt he has anything to offer to any team considering him, especially since his skills were already diminishing before jail, so I doubt he has anything to offer at 34 and a bad leg with gunshot scar/wound. He'll disappoint whatever team gives him the contract he wants which will be substantial. All this speculation of him to the Eagles is completely dumbfounded. Eagles have a problem paying players in their 30s and he's 34. Plus WR is their deepest position on the team so he wouldn't fit. I think he won't be much of a factor. Everyone just wants the next redemption story and has nothing to do in this unusual NFL issues.

Would anyone be willing to trade yugioh cards by mail ?

I'm looking for a "Cyberdark Impact!" spell card, I have a substantial collection of cards and would be willing to trade rare cards in exchange for this card.

Will Australia remove warnings from cigarette packaging?

i don't know, why not spend your time learning C++ or something, and buy loose fresh tobaccy and rolling papers and roll your own cigs.

What's a good high pressure shower head to buy?

I want to buy a high pressured shower head. I went to Maui and the showers had them and I realized my shower head is terrible. The women I went with said they didn't like them cause it started to hurt. Felt like a massage to me. Under $50.

Why is she doing this?

My wife is about to let all hell break loose. Shes upset because she found out i was emailing other women (some are friends from when was in high school and the other is my ex wife). After this incident one of my "friends" emailed her on fb and told her i was having an affair with someone else. She is in maui right now , moved back to be with her friends and family. we had our phones under her name and she cut off my phone line. Shes changed her email, doesnt talk to my mom as much as she used to about the baby. She asked me for the divorce when she found an old video of me with another woman, and then flipped out when she found out i was talking to my ex wife. She changed her mind and then reconsiders but this time she says its final. She took our daughter and says i can see her when the judge makes the decesion. Im upset that she would flip out like that and make drastic decisions like that. Any advice? Im over the breaking up and making up

Are there any movie theaters on Maui, Hawaii?

I'm going to be in Maui during the release of the last Harry Potter movie, and I was wondering if there are any movie theaters on the island? And any that would have a midnight premier showing? Thanks!

What does this mean/is my item in transit to me?

Processed through means it's left that facility and it's on to the next one. It will update to "out to delivery" once it's at the closest hub to your house.

How do I install n Advanced Format Drive on my pc?

First of all, if yours is a reasonably new motherboard you don't have to worry about jumpers. But your 'old' Dell needs to have SATA ports. If not you have bought the wrong one & need to exchange it for an IDE drive.Partitions are areas you can divide the hard disc up into during Windows installation if you so wish. Not compulsory. Software you will need are the Motherboard drivers. You might have to try & download that from Dell. If your Dell has a dedicated video card you will need the drivers for that as well. You will need to get all of those drivers before you start. And you will need a genuine copy of Windows XP. If you have everything you need start your installation with the Windows OS disc. You will be prompted at the correct time to use the others.

How to increase Ps3 memory?

HelloI have an 80GB internal drive which is running low on space. Instead of replacing the internal drive (which I really don't want to do) I was wondering if there were any alternatives as far as external drives or memory cards that would offer substantial extra space (another 80gb maybe)? Thanks in advance!

Did my girlfriends hymen break?

My girlfriend and I were getting quite intimate. She's 16 and I'm 17, we're both virgins but I've been fingering her for the past 6 months. So today got quite heavy and I pulled out my hands to find them covered in a redish brownish blood. I don't know if its her period blood or if i broke her hymen? Her period hasn't started yet so could it have started while i was fingering her? btw It was a substantial amount of blood about a 20 ml

Would this freak you out?

I graduated college five years ago. I had a close friend during it, who was mutual friend of me and my gf. but after I broke upbw my gf the attraction btwn me and my friend grew to point we made out a cpl times. Then the next fall she said 'I've never done that w anyone who was just a friend' I assume she meant prior to me? Then i told her that she was the person I wanted to be with, and she said 'not right now' but soon stopped talking to me. I asked her why this was a yr after. She wouldn't tell me but then posted something on her status about how she loved someone whose situation made her run away. We then went four years without talking. Saturday morning I woke up from a dream about her and felt like consumed by missing her. Then I go online and she messages me out of the blue. i told her in the conversation about the dream and she asked what happened in it bc she is good at analyzing dreams. i told her, and she said it meant to leave my comfort zone. she also asked what label i would give her if I was, and i said she was a good friend i was attracted to you and that i missed her. Is this a sign? Do you think she still is interested? How can I find out?

Will the collapse of the Blue State Model impact the 2012 elections?

As high tax and high regulation, heavily unionized, Democrat run states continue to implode will voters seek substantial change from the ruinous practices of leftwing governments?

What is the carbon tax all about?

Why does the Aussie govt want us to pay a carbon tax when Aust. uses hardly any energy & my cousin who is a mining engineer says there is enough coal in the Latrobe Valley to last the state of Victoria for 100 years. So we can use it for ourselves at a cheap price or make substantial profits exporting coal?

How to cover up pores, acne, and acne marks?

I've tried benefit porefessional but that didn't do anything. plus the label says "minimzes" so that probably means hides just a little, when i want it covered completely.I've tried benefit porefessional but that didn't do anything. plus the label says "minimzes" so that probably means hides just a little, when i want it covered completely. now i don't want to wear a lot of makeup but maybe 3-4 products would be okay. for the acne it never completely gets 100% invisible but some of the girls from my school do get it that way i want to know how.

Why is a guy labeled whipped when he cares about his girlfriend?

Why is it that a guy who cares for his girlfriend and is very loyal, considered whipped. Yet a guy who just jumps from girl to girl for sex is okay. It seems that caring and sensitivity towards your girlfriend triggers others to make negative comments about the relationship.

Should I use a travel agent? Or book the trip myself?

There are several websites that offer hotel accommodation such as,, They are the travel agents you need because they will arrange everything for you! What's more the prices they offer are quite reasonable as for me! You can these book now and pay on arrival sites and make your decision! Good luck!

I am going biking down Haleakala in Maui this week? Is the drive up scary?

Is there many windy roads on the drive up? If so how intense are they and how much of the drive is windy roads? I don't get sick form them they just really freak me out. :/

Pre-ejaculation on vulva, is there a chance of pregnancy?

My boyfriend and I were fooling around, and I was sitting on top of him while he still had his pants on but I didn't. I noticed that he had a substantial amount of pre ejaculation on his pants, and it got in contact with my vulva. I read somewhere that pre-ejaculations can hold some semen...what are my chances of being pregnant?

Are the beaches of Maui (Hawaii) safe after the earthquake in Japan?

In terms of like nuclear radiation and stuff. Is it safe for swimming and stuff like that? I'm going there in one week for vacation,

What is the best island on Hawaii to visit?

My husband and I are looking to go on vacation next year and we are looking for the best island on Hawaii to visit. I have been to Oahu and Maui once each. Am I missing out on another?

Christians, what proof do you have that you are a Christian?

This question is a perfect example of the No True Scotsman fallacy. You can't change the meanings of words to suit your fancy and expect to have a reasonable discussion with others concerning the topics surrounding those words.

Are there obese Canadians in Canada like there's obese Americans in USA?

Yes there are obese Canadians. Not quite as obese as our southern neighbors - I believe the US tops the world in obesity. But as many of Canada's food products are manufactured and/or processed in the US, the same additives would be used.

If my brother is executor of my dads will, and he hates me what can he do to me regarding the finances?

We have never gotten along, my mother just passed away in April my heart is broken my Dad is 90 and I have been taking care of him. I am worried my brother will try and do something to me as the executor of this will which while not extremely substantial, has property and about 100K. What can he do to me when my Dad dies and won't be here to protect me from his greed.?

Where should i surf in Hawaii and what board should i use?

Im going to hawaii in january and want to know where the best surfing is on maui. Ive been to the islands 9 times and 6 times to maui but im learning to surf. Im 14 years old 5 foot 7 seven and 135 pounds but i dont want a longboard plus what are the good spots to surf on maui thanks

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nicest vs. cheapest Hawaiian island (for vacation)?

From my experience, your best deals are packages including airfare, hotel, and car rental on expedia. I've found similar rates on other sites but never anything cheaper. If you go that route you can find an affordable deal for any island. For all islands except Oahu, a rental car is a must, and it's good for Oahu too if you can get one. Oahu is the cheapest island. Kauai and Maui are the most beautiful (although Oahu's got some real nice parts too). Kauai is the most beautiful island in most people's opinion, and I'd agree. Don't miss the Na Pali coast by Zodiac boat tour. Worth every penny if you go in the summer.

What do you think of this Mexico, 13 other nations say Utah illegal immigration law could strain diplomatic?

Apparently,here in the U.S. there is something called "immigration laws"and it's quite obvious some countries don't understand the rule of law.Here we have laws just like all the other 49 states,if they don't like it Get Out!!!!!!! and Leave!!!!!!! As far as Utah is concerned don't let some bums push the state of Utah around since it's something that doesn't have to be tolerated.

What does this labeling mean?

I have cheese powder that says kosher dairy on it. Do this refer to the enymes in the cheese, if so what kind of enymes?

Can I sue this company for lying in court and pain and suffering?

Okay, so basically my fiance purchased some diamond jewelry for me from a terrible company with ridiculously terrible costumer service. (F rating by the BBB!) Anyways, my engagement ring broke in every way possible, and they refused to fix it even though it was under warranty. One of my $1200 diamond studs actually fell out of my ear because they put a stopper that was too big! Anyways, I could go on for hours typing about everything they've done. I took them to court and won, then they filed an appeal. At the appeal a different person was representing the company, and they told a ridiculous amount of lies about me and claimed that I cut the ring off my finger even though it cracked. His whole testimony was lies, and it was ridiculous. I though that there was no way that an educated judge would fall for that crap, especially when I had documents to back up all of my complaints and he had absolutely no proof of any of his accusations! Anyways, I want to take them to court again, but this time for much more money than small claims. Does anyone know what can be a ligimate reason to sue them for a substantial amount of money though?

Cost of going to hawaii?

i am currently stationed in honolulu, hawaii. Personally i would not recommend maui as there isnt much out there on that island. The 2 best island for vacation would be kauwai and oahu ( honolulu / waikiki). The cost living in hawaii is more expensive that most major cities in the US versus NY and San Francisco, CA. $7.00 for a gallon of milk, and 4.35 for a gallon of gas! Hawaii in general is a beautiful place to visit but can be very costly. Hotel (3-4 stars) normally run about $120 a night. Money for cabs run fairly high as a 20 min ride can cost you $45. There a lots to do on these 2 islands IE- sky diving, deep sea diving/snorkling, jet skiing, mainly water sports as you are on an island haha. You can take helicopter tours that take you around the island to get wonderful views of the mountains and waterfalls etc. But maui is mainly boring if you ask me.

Liquid plumber with bleach down the toilet?

Before you tell me. I already know the label says don't do it. Well I didn't. But a friend of mine went ahead and did it anyway. Are our pipes in any danger? It did fix the toilet but will there be any extra damage?

Is this a good essay?

Bit short. Also, you should never say "I think". You need more references, more research.

I just want to start a discussion on the universe.?

"We just are ignorant of our surroundings" I think this beautiful irony sums up what u said. You are ignorant of other people not being ignorant. "We do not yet know about ANYTHING."- You shoudlnt generalise about other people, some people know plenty. Before you go making outlandish statements like this you should do soem research. Each one of your qalms about unknown galaxys, possible mutiverses and new elements each deserves an answer, but i fear you are to caught up in your thoughts to care.

How do I tell my partner and family about my?

wow u need to get to the doctor asap. and from now on use condoms everytime, even when you are drunk. hpv, herpes are so common nowadays.

Your opinions on the Casey Anthony trial?

Life with out parole would be cheaper on the tax payers than the death sentence. On a positive note some one will probably kill her in jail. Why not house Casey and Amanda Knox together and see who survives. Duel of the dead-eyed psychos.

What hotel is Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez staying at?

so im from Maui, Hawaii, and i heard justin b. and selena g. is here. do you oranyone know what hotel he is at?

My moped will not accelerate?

I just bought a 50cc 2007 roketa maui-50 and when I go to turn the throttle it dies out I can not even hit 10 mph but just yesterday when I got it I was going just fine hitting a top speed of 50mph can anyone tell me what I may need to do? I have already cleaned the carb changed the oil and cleaned the spark plug so what could it be?

Christians: Do you have to take the Bible literally to be a true believer?

You do not have to, to become a Christian. But when it is realized that you must choose literal or figurative, you must choose literal, or you aren't saved.

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!?

So, I have VERY white skin, and I want to get tan so bad, and I have tried everything. I have used a tanning bed, didn't work! I use Maui Babe Tanning Lotion, which is suppose to be good, but doesn't work for me, and I have Clinique Sunless Tanning Lotion. It eventually works, but looks bad. How can I put it on so It will look even? Or any other Tanning suggestions? Thank u so much to 4 any answers!!!!

Can I use a propane dryer and full size range on a 40# cylinder?

You can buy a two stage regulator which will screw into your propane tank. You can adapt the outlet to your gas line. The regulator is about 60 dollars available at camping supply stores, not home depot Walmart ect. You will be swapping tanks lot and will not be able to use both appliances at the same time due to low pressure from the small tank. Be careful. You may want to call a proffesional.

Is orlando fl a good place to start a singing career?

I live in sanford fl a town right outside of Orlando fl. But is this a good place to start. I mean ive seen all the agencies and disney casting signs and the universal studios labels and stuff but is it the right place to start?

Which label thingy should i dress i not gonna act just sorta blend the style with mine?

Is really good to get shoes and bag as classy or whatever as you can afford, then you feel good in top gear even if you have days when your general glam is not as good as you wish.

Maui Whale Watching Question?

There won't be any humpback whales in that part of the world that time of year. They'd starve to death if they stayed there all year. They only go there in the winter to have their babies. They spend the rest of the year in the North Pacific near Alaska where their food supply is. You might see dolphins, though, and you can see turtles and fish there any time of year. You'll love the sea turtles, and the butterfly fish and parrot fish are gorgeous. I highly recommend going snorkeling. Molokini Crater is very popular, but it's only accessible by boat. You can see a lot just snorkeling from the beaches (see the list below). Mokapu Beach is especially good for seeing a wide variety of fish.

Are the democrats supporting Obama's reelection underestimating Bachmann?

They label her as "crazy" and "moronic" but she so far has beaten many expectations. She's been elected 3 times in a very liberal state (one of the only two who didn't reelect Reagan) and she slams Obama everywhere she goes. In 2010, a tea partiers were polled and most said that Bachmann was the leader of the Tea Party, not Palin. Speaker Boehner trusts her enough to be on the Intelligence Committee. Even Chris Matthews says she's a threat. Yet, liberals just laugh and think Obama will stomp her. Are they making a mistake.

Is it normal to lose flame in your relationship after marriage?

Ive been together with my wife for 6 years and i do love her just as much as i always have but when i look back to the beginning of our relationship there was so much more exitement and pizzaz. Things just seem routine now. Is this a normal occurence between people who have been in relationships for a substantial amount of time?

Can i have some opinions on my short story? (FIRST PARAGRAPH)?

It is a decent start. I agree with the other answers that at first it sounded like a medical report. A bit confusing to the reader, but enjoyed it further on. Good start.

I have been offered an employment contract with substantial salary by Bojex Corporation. Fraud or not?

Bojex Corporation had sent me a contract employment and the salary is quite huge. Any idea if this recruitment scheme is fraudulent or done in good faith. Thanks.

Does anyone know who sings this song that they play on the maui radio station Native 92.5?

I don't really remember all the lyrics but the guy sings "bits and pieces" over and over again. They've played it a few times but they don't say the title of the song and who sings it. And that thing where you text in to know the song info doesnt work, they've been sending me the same message the past 4 times I tried that. Could someone please help me out here? I'm in charge of making the playlist for my friends 16th birthday party and she really likes these types of songs.

I'm worried about my mum?

It might be because of mid-aged crisis, but it also may be that she might need to see a psychologist because she might have a lot of things going on that she just needs to let go of.

I'm planning on moving to maui for a year and need some advice?

So I am moving to Maui and was curious what the cheapest route would be. Should i simply rent an apartment for a year or what? Any advice? Thanks!!!!!!!!

What to wear what to wear!! help!?!?!?

i would do cute fitted comfortable yoga pants (black ones), because they are cute one and two you will be comfortable. For shoes I would do flip flops. And for a shirt i would do a tank top and bring a cute sweatshirt. have fun!!!

Night of the Song: RHH?

i don't see the point of these questions. it just makes everyone bored and feel like leaving. i do too since madliberator is making an a** of himself

Planning a trip to maui in august..pls help?

I want to now anything and everything u can share about maui. Favorite restaurants, current gas prices, fav things to do, best luaus, Anything u can share. We are booking through triple a abd are staying at the kaanapali beach resort. Have u stayed there is it a good hotel. What are the best deals. Anything u can share

Could a Christian prove his or her beliefs as being substantial in a court of law?

Yes. It's when legally-minded atheists (Josh McDowell and Lee Strobel, to name but two) try to disprove Christianity to the satisfaction of "beyond a reasonable doubt" that they realize that "beyond a reasonable doubt" actually goes the other way, that is, the evidence when sought is staggeringly in favor of Christianity rather than atheism.

What are fossils? Name some important fossil discoveries.?

Fossils have given substantial evidences to the theory of evolution. The discovery of these has enabled scientists to estimate the age of earth and the life that existed once on our earth.

How much does a sew in weave cost?

Depends on the method used to sew in the hair.Research methods online to get a better idea that way when you call a salon you can tell them what you want and get a price.

I have a IRA rollover from a previous employer. Can I cash out and use the money to purchase a 2nd home?

I'm 36 and have been at my current employer for 7 years. I contribute to that 401k every month. I have a IRA rollover that's not really doing anything. It's not a substantial amount but would be enough to purchase a beach condo for me and my family. Can I cash out without penalty if I roll it into a 2nd home?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I found a large lump in my breast that is getting bigger...?

A few months ago I noticed a rather large lump near the top of my right breast. I have recently lost about 50 lbs and thought maybe the change in shape could just be from weight loss. I also considered that since I had been working out that maybe it was just muscle that had developed. The lump has seemed to grow in size and is now a little bigger than a golf ball. At times it is tender to the touch and feels much different than my left breast. I know I should go to the Dr but I currently don't have insurance. I start a new job with medical benefits in a couple of months and was hoping to put off a Dr's visit until then. My main concern is going in.. finding out I have cancer... and then not being able to get coverage because of being labeled "previous condition" I really don't want to worry my family or friends so I haven't really mentioned it to anyone. I want to be sure before I put them through any of that. I'm afraid of waiting to long to go but more afraid of being a burden to my family.

I need help, fast. Im tired of the same old argument, Please. (longish)?

So, I;ve been friends with my boyfriend for years, we started dating 11 months ago, and my mom has never liked him. But we went through a rough patch broke up for two days, but then were back together. She doesnt know yet, and I keep trying to tell her but she never gives me the time of day. But because I sleep in, She thinks I sneak out as soon as she goes to bed to see him, but i don't and even if i did? She has absolutely no proof. Also, his parents wont allow him to get his license quite yet. But now heres the problem, He's 18 and I'm 16, so he could get in alot of trouble, but we are very very careful, as in theres pretty much absolutely no touching, so he won't be permanetly labeled as a sex offender and what not. But my mom snuck my phone, and went through my messages. The only thing in there is him waking me up with a phone call like he does every morning, and reminding me to eat throughout the day because he actually pays attention to my eating disorder. So now, she is completely freaking out, and shes threatening to call the police about him, when he has done absolutely nothing wrong. He has the same family problems that I do, so he can get a little emotional, but he never harms me, he never does, he doesn't even yell at me, ever. We have fought only those few times when we broke up for two days, and he has also given me a promise ring. He wasn't able to graduate with the rest of his class this year, because he was going back and forth from illinois and michigan, so he had to make up credits, but hes doing that through online school, while working, helping his mom pay off the house, and trying to find an apartment. But my mum doesn't accept like him simply because she scares him, and will hardly hold a conversation with him, then yells that he won't talk to her, and she notices him avoiding her, but he doesn't he is extremely respectful, and the rest of my family loves him. What can he do, or say, to make her at least accept him? I'm tired of everyday being a war, and no leaving him is not an option, im not just a stupid yound girl, Im a lot more mature then most kids my age, because I've pretty much raised my little sisters, and have taken care of my 19 year old sister most of my life as well, because she can't keep herself out of trouble. So please, don't say I should just leave him because hes too old, because honestly, most married couples I know have an at least 4 year age difference, my mom and step father? Theres a 6 year age difference. If I thought I was the slightest bit too immature for a realtionship with him, I wouldnt have been in it for almost a year now, would I of? So please, serious answers. Please. Any advice that would help a litttle, I would be extremely grateful for.

What would you do? Is this Safe?

I would suggest going on the pill if you cant use tampons. (which i understand, i dont like to either!) i think you should be ok...16 is a fne age. Talk to your mom or doctor about it. Because that would suck, being on your period then. Good luck!

What to pack for a LONG flight?

pack a swimsuit for sure! you will probably be swimming a lot! and shorts and tee shirts should suffice. but maybe bring a rain jacket cause it rains for short periods of time each day. and if you really want to, you can wear makeup, but its not liike you will see anyone you know there, and if you are busy having fun, who cares? and bring fun things to do in your carry on, like books, an ipod/mp3 player, handheld game system, or just sleep! just look forward to your trip! well have fun :)

What is maui wowie??????????????????

Its a type of weed from hawaii it was also in the movie cheech and chong but that was mixed with labrador...

Neighbor speaks only to hubby should hubby reciprocate?

The neighbor lady speaks only to my husband and he talks sweetly to her. He will also initiate conversation with her but not her husband. I don't see my husband being loyal to me since she behaves as if I am not there or as if she is better than I am. She will engage him conversation and went I walk out the talking stops. I say she is flirting and by continuing to be friendly he is encouraging her and being disloyal to me. Are my feelings substantial?

Question about a 12 hour walk...?

sweetheart, if you don't want to eat in front of people, maybe put a protein shake in a water bottle? would you be ok with that? you definitely shouldn't go twelve hours without food, but i totally get not being comfortable eating around people. drink plenty of water and bring smoothies or milkshakes or something with substantial calories so you don't end up on a stretcher. good luck!

Can i fly my hamster from seattle to maui?

It's illegal to own pet hamsters in Hawaii. The climate is similar to hamsters' natural desert habitat, and agricultural and environmental officials have expressed concern that released or escaped hamsters could establish wild colonies and damage crops and native plants and animals.

Can we be together and in love again?

Unfortunately you cannot make someone love you or commit to you, God knows I've tried! You have already been rejected by her, so you kind of know what it feels like. Love is a risk and worth fighting for. If she has Daddy issues, then i think presenting your self as a confident, strong man may influence her, she needs a decision maker and someone who will support her throughout life. If you have your own emotional issues dealt with (job, money, apartment), then go to her, tell her what you want and how you feel and follow up with how you are going to achieve it all and what you want from her. The worst that can happen is she rejects your proposition, which you know how it feels already, or she tells you she went back to that ex of hers, which hopefully won't last long. You have dedicated yourself to her, and she needs to know the extent of which you love her. She won't ever be able to forget you, and i hope she realizes this before it becomes too late and your defeat will end your pursuit.

Are other Senators like McCain walking back from statements made about illegal immigration?

McCain had some pretty good moderate credentials before the tea party took over Arizona. Now he flip-flops like a fish out of water, recanting every good thing he has ever done, in order to save his Senate seat. He is finished as a Presidential candidate anyway. It is a sad end to a distinguished career.

Anyone used sunscreen on your dog?

I know there are a number of sunscreens made for dogs. I now have a harlequin Dane with substantial white and have been told she will probably sunburn if in the sun too long. Have you tried any, and what has been good and bad about them?

How can i get a good, even tan?

Im going to Maui for seven days, so i have that long to get a good even tan. I'm not sensitive to the sun because I'm native American, but i don't want to come home pale,or red! any advice from girls (or guys) who tan often?

No wages due to stocktake deficit?

Of course you have a case - there were ~3 weeks between you leaving and the stoke-take being completed. Anyone could have stripped the shelves. Totally illegal.

McDonald's manager told me She would give me a call at the end of the week but never?

She hired someone else and was too busy--or didn't care enough--to call you back. I think you should call her just to keep yourself in her thoughts. Who knows, maybe the guy/gal has already quit and you'd be calling at the perfect time.

Why did some mid-19th Century Irish-American immigrants settle in Iowa?

I live in Iowa and I have a deep Irish heritage. My great-great-great-great-grandparents, Charles and Margaret Stockdale, left Ireland in 1854 and eventually settled in Iowa. Iowa actually has a substantial Irish population. I was wondering why a few Irish settled in rural, desolate Iowa to farm when they failed as farmers in Ireland during the famine and most of their countrymen settled in the big Northeastern cities.

A claim for negligence against mental health services ...?

i tried to read this but didn't understand much of it. you want to sue the NHS? good luck... doctors will back each other up anyway, and it is the NHS , why sue an organisation that treats you free of charge.

How do I add a link to images of myself on tumblr?

On my friend's tumblr, she has a link on the right hand side labeled "CNM", her initials, and it leads to pictures of herself. The link remains on the tumblr page, however. How do I create a link to pictures I want to put up on my tumblr page? Thanks!

How much would a superdry label sell for?

Im trying to earn a bit of money. I have a couple of superdry labels (orange and black label sportswear) surely someone obsessive would buy these. So how much could I put a price on one to see if I mite sell. Its unlikely but worth a try

Can someone dumb this down a little bit plz?

T.C.A.�39-17-1351(c) (12) That the applicant has not been adjudicated as a mental defective, has not been judicially committed to or hospitalized in a mental institution pursuant to title 33, has not had a court appoint a conservator for the applicant by reason of a mental defect, has not been judicially determined to be disabled by reason of mental illness, developmental disability or other mental incapacity, and has not, within seven (7) years from the date of application, been found by a court to pose an immediate substantial likelihood of serious harm, as defined in title 33, chapter 6, part 5, because of mental illness;

How many calories are in this?

I would guess that it is about 1000 calories for the whole thing. Check, you can login with an email and it keeps track of your calories and a lot more.

My laptop charger is "broken"? - Doesn't recharge unless you push hard into laptop.?

I don't know why but my laptop charger doesn't even really work. You have to push with substantial force on the charger into the hole for it to recharge. My laptop's a Lenovo Windows 7 that's pretty new. The charger is just a circular plug that you put into the back/right corner. Is this like a defect in the model?

I am waiting for this package what is going on?

hi dear, you can get the detail information on http// really relevant information you should visit there.

How can I get rid of my mental problems?

What you are going through is really really hard. You said not to advise you to go to a doctor, but really, your problems need real professional help, help that no one on yahoo should allow himself to offer. You have several issues you need help with one of which is contemplating suicide. Whenever you start thinking of killing yourself, call the national suicide hotline. Please go get professional help, that's what you need. I am afraid of giving you any sort of advice here.

What is a good affordable hotel in Maui-Kaanapali Beach area?

I am planning a Maui trip in July and I am not which hotel to stay in... I am leaning towards choosing the Royal Lahaina or Kaanapali Beach Hotel

What Should I Do (best m8 problem)?

If you think this thing with his sister is serious, and you both want to continue hanging out and seeing where things go, you need to tell him. It's not good sneaking around behind his back, he'll be angrier about finding out that you lied to him. Just be honest, tell him what's happened (but don't go into too much detail- so awkward for him) and explain that you don't want it to effect your friendship. I can't tell you how he'll react, and you won't know until you've done it. Honesty is the best policy.

Im 18 with a free trip to maui should i go?

My uncle and aunt have planned a trip to maui and my wife and i are trying to decide if we should go ( this is her yahoo account) but the thing is we dont know what we need to go and what is there to do there and is there anything we should watch out for. Is it fun there are they very expensive ,what are the resorts like there?? So could someone who knows about it or been there tell me do's donts where to go to eat and things like that thanks

Who else is getting sick of Neanderthal Gender Roles?

I love when people use the phrases "Act like a woman" or "Act like a man", or my personal favorite "I won't date a "girly" guy because I'm gay. I date men, If I wanted to date a woman I'd be straight". How about stop holding up these Neanderthal Gender Roles and realize it's how some people are. Hell, some straight guys are like that. Shocking everyone automatically labels Them as gay. Or they get harassed for not being a sports lovin, Gun shootin, beer drinkin. Moron.

Husband admitted to a FULL BODY massage with a "happy ending"?

I found out that My husband had a full body massage on Maui in a private home. He admitted to getting a HJ during a 45 minute session and paying $100. He says that was all she did to him while wearing a g-string and no top. Should I believe him when he says he ONLY did this ONCE? I have a hard time believing that it was only a HJ too. When I try to talk about this with him he gets really angry. What should I do?

My puppy not the same as he used to be?

I have noticed that with some dogs grooming sometimes make them fearful. I am a groomer, and with very young or first timers--pups-- I will take lots of time with their grooming needs, It is sometimes a traumatizing experience for pups that first time--so gentleness and patience is VERY important to that little dog! I will spend the time with that pup that he needs. Not all groomers will do this, I don't know why, but that is true! ( I also can tell you that treated well your pup will come round at home) . The next time you take this pup to the groomer's ask for someone who is GOOD with pups! Tell them you want to meet the groomer, and you make a point of meeting whoever grooms the pup. It is a business but it also is a Service--so you show your concerns--and ask for what you want for your pup! I have never looked at anyone else's dog as "just a dog"--they are someones best friend, and they are ALL important! Your little dog will be his old self in a day or two and on that do not worry. I hope I have conveyed some ideas on how to help you and your pup for next time. Best Wishes to you and your pup!

Which hairstyle sounds cuter?

If you've got to stick a label on my forehead I'm scene/hipster , so, I'm dying my bangs black tiger stripe design over a color, I'm tan (half Mexican) so what should I do the stripes over? Orange, like a classic tiger, or neon yellow, one of those two , thanks:]

Can Filipinos audition for SM/JYP/YG Entertainment (etc Korean labels)?

i am thinking about auditioning for SM/JYP/YG Entertainment. i am filipino and have some chinese in me. a lot of people think i am korean. haha but i am kind of dark.. like a yellowish tan colour. so do you know if they accept filipino people because i have never seen one get accepted into these labels.

Fresh out of high school, but straight into a ditch. Solutions?

If you're 18 or over mark yourself as an independent. You should have a better shot at getting financial aid. I wouldn't do it until I talk to the financial aid department at UCLA and your parents. If that doesn't work you might have to take a year off to make some money some how. I would never suggest taking a year off but if there's no way you can pay then that might be the only course. Good luck.

In 1870s/80s America, were wills common practice? What would happen to someone's money upon their death?

I am writing a novel about a man in the 1870s/80s who has a substantial amount of money that he inherited from his father. My character, Baker, is unmarried with no children, and until presently his will has left the bulk of his money to his only surviving brother, Jasper. He wants his common law wife and her children to inherit the money upon his death. Does he need a will to change this or would it just be expected that his common law wife would inherit his fortune?

Seabourn, can you make money on tips there?

All cruise lines operate cruise cards which are used to purchase anything on board from shore excursions to drinks. NO CASH is the name of the game. So cash tips are minimal.

Does Gerard Butler has a model type body?

As you can see at this photo. :

What brings people together besides food, music, and dance?

love and care for others bring the people together not just in malaysia ,but all parts of the world.

Hey, does anyone have any advice or opinions?

yes this is actually very common, this whole exact thing happened to me you must just have more patience, i come from a different country as well, and trust me its important to not forget where u came from. However this is difficult because no one here is gona understand you. America is not like any other country, most people here just do as their told even if the current fashion is completely retarded, and something ur parents will never really understand cause in fact it makes no sense to someone with culture. What you must do is listen to ur heart and be who U want. I chosse to learn and be everything, so ive developed a social talent to be able to talk to and relate to not only Americans but any race and cultural backround, being that i am a mix of Mexican, Japanese, African, and Spaniard. Have patience be real and be yourself youll notice u have an advantage over everyone that is making your life impossible, most people don't think for themselves and just mimic, and are totally fake. If u cant socialize properly its because you use more of ur brain than average people, so u are above average, in conclusion Average people will be told what to do and mimic that action like a robot. your brother is not a genius, Real geniuses instead have to fully understand and believe what their being told is really true and makes sense in their head, yes they must accept it as the absolute truth and feel confident believing what they just learned. have patience. Ur more special than u think.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why hasn't my mail gotten to the post office yet?

I sold something on ebay, so I printed off my own shipping label as I always do and dropped it off at one of the blue drop off boxes yesterday at 2:30pm. Shouldn't the post office have picked it up by now? It says nothing under tracking except for "electronic shipping info received" ... but shouldn't they have gotten it to the post office by this time?

How do I get an awesome tan in hawaii without burning?

Me and my family are going to Maui in July/august for about 13 days. I want to know how I can get a really dark tan without burning. My friend told me she went to Hawaii last summer and put a whole bunch of sunscreen on the first day but still got a major sunburn. So any advice?

Should I charge anything when rehoming this dog?

I think you're justified in asking for the amount you paid for neutering and vaccinations as an adoption fee. It will weed out crazies, hoarders, and people who buy for labs and fighting bait dogs. If the thought of taking money bothers you, donate the fee to a local rescue to help other dogs. I also think you should feel comfortable asking for a vet reference from potential new owners and asking to visit their home and meet any other pets. You put alot of work into this boy and want to make sure he gets the best possible home, so don't feel bad about being picky.

What to do in Maui for a month?

Haven't been home for three years. And I am going in a month for a month, and sort of dreading it, tbh, Even though it is just a month. Currently I live in So California and so much to do out here. I heard Maui has grown a lot though so I was wondering what fun things there is to do there.

Are there obese Canadians in Canada like there's obese Americans in USA?

Yes there are obese Canadians. Not quite as obese as our southern neighbors - I believe the US tops the world in obesity. But as many of Canada's food products are manufactured and/or processed in the US, the same additives would be used.

So the other day I was looking pimple cream in my moms room and I saw lots of drugs?

I don't know what to do I found angel dust, scotch, weed, spice, shrooms, LSD, Maui kush, blueberry yum yum, Alaska thunder ****, and more. I don't know what to do can somebody please help?!?!?

Don't you think Simon Cowell is such a talentless cretin?

He is a critic. It is his job to find all the bad in performances to get the best. It is a contest, not a talent show. he's not on the show anymore, and now it's boring. his critique added humor to the show.

What is a FW7 wifi service?

I see it on my phone bill and it has come up to a substantial amount, and I have no clue what it is for.. can someone please explain to me what this service is?

What activities or sights absolutely can't be missed on Maui? We are spending over a week...?

Hi knotty, we are Hawaii addicts as we've been there 7 times ! Our favorite island is Kauai, but this s/b the last isle you visit as it is kind of laid back. Our 2nd favorite is Maui. Its shaped like a man's head & neck. Renting a car is a must. Here's what shouldn't be missed: a road trip to HANA and continue along the road for a visit to the SEVEN SACRED pools. Dinner at "Mama's Fish House" ( its on the Hana road & you'll need reservations). You should spend some time in Lahaina town, its full of nice shops and is a little like New Orleans. While there, you can go to the "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" restaurant. Another must, is driving north of Lahaina up to Napili and around the north end back down to Kahulu. Also, try to take a morning drive up to the top of the volcanoe "Haleaklea". I've saved the best for last so you'll remember it. Most definitely, you should reserve a snorkeling tour out to a crescent shaped islet called "Molokini" where you'll experience one of the top 3 snorkeling spots on earth. Its like going to another world. Jaw dropping beautiful ! We went on a sailing vessel named the "Silent Lady", she is berthed in a harbor south of Lahaina. You can get her phone number from hotel brochures or the yellow pages, also the hotel Concierge should be able to book it for you. Book when you arrive, and inquire what would be the best day to go weather wise. If the wind isn't right they won't go to Molokini.

It is 33.7�C at sea level on the coastline of Maui.?

It is 33.7�C at sea level on the coastline of Maui. You are going to travel to the summit of the Haleakala volcano at 4100 meters. The environmental lapse rate from sea level to 1200 meters is 11.3�C/1000m. The environmental lapse rate from 1200 meters to 1900 meters is 8.6�C/1000m. The environmental lapse rate from 1900 meters to 3300 meters is 14.2�C/1000m. The normal lapse rate exists above 3300 meters. What is the temperature at the summit of the volcano?

Why do people believe in ghosts?

There has been an ongoing debate as to explain how and why ghosts and spirits exist and where they reside. There are different types of haunting so there would need appropriate explanations for each. The residual haunting is where there is not spirit manifestation but it is just that an event is played over and over like a recording. It is like an imprint of that occurrence or individual (s). There are reports of battle scenes being replayed and witnesses to see this happen all when there are no reenactments being performed. Some theorize that ghosts and spirits exist in a dimension that is parallel to ours.That these energies can coexist along side us and at times can interact with the living. Intelligent hauntings are equally as perplexing and sometimes more startling as residual ones. That ghosts and spirits can call us out, move things and appear at times can cause individuals to re evaluate their very concept of reality. Quantum mechanics and quantum theory is opening up new doors in explaning how and why hauntings can and do happen. Why and how they occurr is very much at the heart of many paranormal research teams as they investigate others claims. Either way, everyone has to agree that it is one of the more compelling and mysterious aspects we can come in contact with. Some say they do not exist and some say they do. I Have had personal experiences with things that I cannot easily explain . Though I know what I experienced I also know that I cannot prove it.It is something that I live with. You also have to consider the countless reports throughout history from individuals who have had such experiences with ghosts and spirits. Possibly even from your own family. It just cannot all be some sort of elaborate hoax or mass hysteria. I do personally feel that it is but another aspect to our existence and is probably one of the more compelling components to this reality.

Is Iams Healthy Naturals good?

I'm adopting a dog from the shelter. I asked the shelter what a good brand of dog food is. They said Iams is good. I was comparing labels and found that Iams Healthy Naturals is better. Is that true? Please note that I love my dog but I'm only 13 and my parents just got a divorce so I can't afford $50 a month on dog food. He is an active dog. We run/walk for 60 minutes a day and play fetch for at least 30 minutes. If you have any other suggestions please tell me but I need the dog food to be under $35 for at least a 30lb bag.

If you were to die, what would you like your last meal to be?

lol mine would be all of my favorite foods plus tea :) Wow, I see you've got it down, but I'm too lazy to name mine, but I'd mainly want all of the chips and Wendy's that I could afford! :D

Best Hawaii location for honeymoon (specific locations listed)?

I'd stay at the four seasons in wailaia Maui, take the road to hana. There are a bunch of waterfalls and a few black sand beaches (I also heard of a red sand beach but i cannot confirm it existence). Also at the end of the road is a marvelous bamboo forest witch is posably the coolest thing i have ever seen.

I need album cover ideas?

Okay so I've made an album (Not from an actual record label), but at home on my computer to have people listen to my music & promote myself. My only problem is I'm having a hard time coming up with an album cover. I'm calling it "Collision" because it's a lot of different type of songs & styles all meshed into one cd, & it has a large pop-rock influence to it. With that given information, does anyone want to give me suggestions or ideas for the album cover? I'm a solo artist by the way(:

Are there any places in maui, hawaii where you can stay right on the beach, not just with a view of the beach?

If you mean hotels, the hotel strip at Kaanapali Beach is likely your best bet. There is only a walking path between the hotel buildings and the beach, and many of the restaurants have a beach view. I've stayed here: a href="" rel="nofollow" See the pictures. There are other less pricy hotels on Kaanapali Beach.

If you've used merderma, Please help me?

Mederma does work, it just takes a while! Give it time :) Make sure to apply every day and consistently. I had a big scar on my shoulder and now it barley exists! By the way spray tan your legs in the mean time!

Is she trying to find out if I still like her?

i told a girl i knew very well 5 yrs ago, we made out a few times but could never be together, and just recently started to talk to again that she was in my dream. she asked what it was abt and said she was good at analyzing dreams. then she asked me how i saw her, if i had to give her a label, wht label would i give her? was she trying to figure out how i saw her? she said this was all to interpret the dream.

Help Stringing Guitar?

You have too many strings! I think you must have bought a 12 string set. The package has a reference chart for which string is which. The low E is a 56, the A string is a 47, the D string is probably the 35, the G string is the wound 27, the B string is the plain 17 and the high E string is the plain 13. This is an awfully heavy set of strings. If you are not used to it than you might wish to go with a medium or medium light set.

If I went to a big hotel in Maui could I just use the pool?

Yes I tried this before. I was staying at a hotel next to the Grand Wailea and OMG I wish we would have stayed there instead. We went to go to the pool there and they want everyone to wear a wristband. When we said we would pay to use the pool they said you can only use the pool if you are a hotel guest and we would have to buy a room. Lesson learned, stay at the Grand Wailea next time we are in Maui! lol. The pool is supposed to be one of the best in the world.

Copyright Info?? Hey how does copyright work if i wanted to set up a site similar to

do i need to permission from the record labels of the artist? and what is the difference if i profit or not? I want to set up something similar to teach well known pop songs?

Hit the car in a parking lot?

Did you get the license plate number off the other vehicle and the description? If so call you insurance company and report the incident. Tell them you waited for the owner and they where nowhere to be found. Your insure will only be affected if the owner of the car files a claim.

How to get an even tan outside?

im using maui babe browning lotion and sitting out for a hour half hour on each side... my legs tan, but my back stomach, chest, and neck dont tan at all really and my arms only get a little tan... my face gets some sun burn ... but i want it all to be even how do i do that.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Are we supposed to believe theories are true?

Like you have the Big Bang theory and evolution theory. How do we know these theories aren't false. Yeah, they provide substantial amount of evidence but, what if there wrong?

Probability homework?

I haven't put a lot of thought into this, but my first thought was to have one dice be 0-5 and the other 2-7. It would have the same number possibilities but idk about probability.

Should I tell on my brother?

So my parents found out my brother was smoking pot about a month or so ago and they took away everything from him, like his phone, computer, social life, car...etc cause he was smoking it in his bedroom by himself at night before he went to bed. then like a month later they gave him everything back but still dont really trust him so they told me to keep an eye out. well tonight i caught him smoking pot in his room and i dont know if i should tell. my mom said that if i smell anything that i should tell her but i want to be a good sister and not tell. we are going to maui in july and my rents said that if they find out he was smoking pot that he would not be able to go to maui. my brother has been begging me not to tell on him and swears he will stop but im pretty sure i will just find him smoking pot again in a bit. should i tell on him and risk him hating me forever or not tell and be a "bystander" and lie to my parents??

Should I tell on my brother?

So my parents found out my brother was smoking pot about a month or so ago and they took away everything from him, like his phone, computer, social life, car...etc cause he was smoking it in his bedroom by himself at night before he went to bed. then like a month later they gave him everything back but still dont really trust him so they told me to keep an eye out. well tonight i caught him smoking pot in his room and i dont know if i should tell. my mom said that if i smell anything that i should tell her but i want to be a good sister and not tell. we are going to maui in july and my rents said that if they find out he was smoking pot that he would not be able to go to maui. my brother has been begging me not to tell on him and swears he will stop but im pretty sure i will just find him smoking pot again in a bit. should i tell on him and risk him hating me forever or not tell and be a "bystander" and lie to my parents??

Teens- does it annoy you when people automatically assume you're irresponsible?

Yeah, actually it does. You make a few simple mistakes like losing an Ipod or forgetting to do something and parents or anyone else label you as irresponsible or can't be trusted. When your a teen, it's normal to make mistakes and adults don't realize that it's sometimes really hard to balance life with school and friends and family and homework and more school. Adults don't remember that it's not all fun and easy being a teen and were still growing and make mistakes but it doesn't necessarily label us as "teens who disappoint us and constantly mess up and make bad choices in life", 'cause in real life we mess up, it's not all perfect. Ya live and ya learn.

Go Hawaii card is it good value?

I am travelling to Hawaii in September and have a few days to fill in in both Oahu and Maui has anyone purchased and used the above card??is it worthwhile and it isit easy to plan an itinerary I used a London Pass in London and it was GREAT value.

Eloping at Four Seasons Maui?

Yes, we offer an elopement package that includes the basic elements for the wedding and an Oceanfront couples massage. Please call us so we can get your contact information or resend your request through the website. We will send you photos and a description of package.

My biology teacher said she doesn't believe the Ice Age happened?

she was teaching us about evolution and kept enforcing that she doesn't believe in it and we shouldn't either. I thought that was quite unprofessional, and then she said she didn't believe the ice age happened either... I thought there was substantial proof for that? and is it even legal for her to say that, isn't she straight up lying?

What are crazy things to do in maui?

I was wondering if maui had any crazy stuff like bungee jumping or sliding down a river or atvs or para sailing. Im not into sight seeing although wen i went to Kauai there was this water fall u could jump off into warm water like pond then they had a rope swing and anyways it was the highlight of my trip.

What type of gift can I give my aunt and uncle who have been my guardians for 7 years.?

I will graduate from high school next year. I want to find a special gift for my aunt and uncle who have been my guardians for the last 7 years, since I lost my parents. The transition from being an only child living on the east coast to becoming the oldest child of 5 living in the midwest was difficult and I wasn't exactly real open to my new situation. Through it all, especially the first 15 months my aunt and uncle were there no matter what. Even when I ran away after 4 months, when my uncle caught up with me and I was sure I was headed for the proverbial woodshed, they just sat me down and helped me work through the problems I was having. They have been more than my guardians, aunt and uncle. They have been parents to me just like they are to their 4 sons. I have told them many times how much I appreciate everything and how much I love them, but when I graduate from high school I want to do something special for them. Money will not be a problem because my parents left me with a substantial trust fund plus I have plenty of my own money that I have earned over the years. I want to give them a gift that will tell them how much they mean to me and how much I appreciate everything they have done for me. Please let me know your ideas.

How long does it take for mail to get to Maui?

If I mail a letter (standard postage) from Minneapolis, when will it arrive to an address in Maui (approximately)?

Intense hunger pangs during pregnancy?

Eat if you are hungry. I found that baked potatoes would stick with me longer than most other foods. I have had a few hunger pains before that were worse than labor.

Maui Scavenger Hunt items?

My extended family is going on vacation to Maui in a few weeks, we thought it would be fun to do a week long scavenger hunt of random objects (i.e. pink shell, take a picture with a surfer, umbrella from a drink). Do you guys have any good ideas? Participants are age 7-Adult and the only rule is "you cannot spend any money for any of the items/photos you have" Thanks!

What are some ways to save money on a trip to Paris?

I want to plan a trip to Paris (France) with my wife. However, it looks like it's going to be really expensive. Are there any ways to save a substantial amount of money on the flight, hotel, food, anything like that? Obviously we'll do as many free or cheap tourist attractions as we can, but the flight and the hotel are really going to kill us. Ironically, I think I found the cheapest flight not on any of the discount travel sites but on Air France's website. Thanks!

If record labels listen to your music what makes them decide if they want you?

a couple record labels are listening to my stuff and i want to know what they look for if theyd actually consider having me as part of the record label.i would just think your song has to be good, your lyrics, flow, and how you present it.somebody please help...

Questions about moving to maui?

How hard is it would you say for a 19 year old who has never lived on her own before to move to Maui from Washington . Will I have a hard time finding somewhere to rent that I can afford that allows dogs? Will I have a hard time finding a job?

Why was Stalingrad such a disaster for the Germans?

Their entire 6th Army was destroyed. An entire sector of their front line gone. Plus all the equipment that could not be replaced, tanks, trucks, guns, planes. It was a tactical and strategic disaster. Also, you can't look at how many troops it was compared to the initial invasion force. Look at their strength at the time of the battle. Hitler had forces diverted from the eastern front to Italy in response to the allied invasion there.

Traveling to Hawaii.?

I am traveling to Hawaii in November and need help finding a decent fare. I am flying into Honolulu and flying out of Maui. Any suggestions on how or where to find cheap flights. Right now the cheapest flight I've found is about $805 with taxes and fees included on Is that a good rate or do you think the price will go down and when is a good time to buy plane tickets for Thanksgiving time. I am traveling between November 13 and 23 (yes, the day before Thanksgiving).

RHH: So yea, i'm already done with this Big Sean album?

To be honest I would rate it higher only because it is his debut and the fact of the matter is that it means is it is his real first album.So for at least trying I give him more credit.More like a 6/10.I felt the album was average.However it was better then a lot of the albums that have been put out.I have to be honest I expected better if it was not only his first album I would have rated him lower more like 4/10.

Most amount of money you have ever won (or lost) gambling?

I don't recall ever winning a substantial amount, I think the most I have ever won on a scratchie is probably 10 dollars or something, and 40 on the pokies, which I then used most of it up trying to win more lol. I rarely use them though.

How could I use my financial power in MH recovery?

I have bipolar disorder with substantial assets. I don't feel inspired lending the money to the bank. Any ideas on spending money on my own development? I am 41 and haven't had a job since I was 23. I already have donated to charity. I receive free psychiatric care here in Australia. My psychiatrist says not to worry about getting a job at the moment but focus on developing my social skills. I have a mentor I meet once a week provided for free.

How much would an entertainment lawyer cost if I wanted to get some backup before I signed a label?

I'm a steadily growing musician that really wants to sign with a record label, but I don't know if I should grab an Entertainment Attorney first. Are they expensive? And if not, around what time should I get one in my musical career? Thanks!!

I can't chew anything..................?

I just got braces yesterday and my teeth hurt a LOT. I haven't eaten anything but coffee and some sugar-free ice cream all day. Yesterday I had the stomach flu and threw up everything I ate from the day before getting braces. So basically I haven't eaten anything substantial in 2 1/2 days. Is this unhealthy? My stomach flu is totally gone but I still can't eat anything.

I have a new video game with interested companies, but I need some financing to get started, who can help me?

I have a couple of companies who are interested in creating this new game that could sweep the globe, but I need a small fee to get this started. I am willing to pay back double the investment to the willing party just to get this great game off the ground. Maybe with a substantial investment, I may even consider part of the royalties for a period of time.

What do you know about the International Performing Arts Academy?

Hi guys, I am an aspiring actor so it is to no surprise I’m trying to get my foot through the door. I recently was contacted by the International Performing Arts Academy at Center Studios in Los Angeles after filling out an application a while ago. I was called for an audition, so I went did my thing and was interviewed by a man by the name of James Inghram. After the audition, I received a call back to appear again today. When I went back there was more talk about the studio and who worked there and all that stuff and what they thought of my audition. Towards the end of the interview came the thing I was expecting the money issues. The acting classes came out to the grand total of $5,995. In order to be enrolled I have to Pay $1,500 upfront, sign a contract that I have 10 days to cancel it ect. This has made me skeptical because of the fact I was not prepared 100% with what they asked and they still accepted me and everyone who auditioned with me got accepted from what I think. The classes are only ONCE a month for eight hours each. At the end of the training there’s this 4 day event in January full with agents, managers and casting directors. This event is where you are in an environment where you get to meet them. My concern comes from the fact that after all the research I have done they always say to never give money upfront because chances are they are scams. This one looks legitimate but after going through the process things didn’t add up. I looked for reviews online and got very little. So I’m wondering If this is indeed a legitimate business and worth my time and money because it is a substantial amount they are demanding. I would also like to know of anyone who has worked with this Academy and or has had an experience with them. Any links to similar questions online will be appreciated if they have answers. This will be a big help thanx

How many calories are in this?

I would guess that it is about 1000 calories for the whole thing. Check, you can login with an email and it keeps track of your calories and a lot more.


Maybe u should date someone, that'll help u open up be, be urself and also u would have a friend always by ur side

When you loan out a substantial amt of $$ to a friend...?

My boyfriend loaned a substantial amt to a friend who agreed to pay it back in installments. These were usually cash loans or ComCheck loans. We don't have any real way to prove that he owes the $ other than the two talking. Now the friend hasn't paid on the loan and is refusing to make any payemnts. What types of recourse do we have to recoup the money loaned if any??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I was looking in my moms room for some lotion and found Maui Kush what do i do?

I found a bag that says Maui Kush and a glass pipe i didn't even though she thought of smoking pot and this made me take a huge unexpected twist i need help on this incident

Meeting my sister and brother for the first time?

I will be meeting my biological brother & sister for the first time. They are from Maui, HI, and I am wondering if I should bring a gift...if so what? They are both young adults, like myself. Thanks!

To be a graphic designer, mostly for packaging materials, like cards and labels, what...?

I don't know how other schools work. But the basic courses I needed were graphic design, typography, illustration, and packaging design.

Help narrow down my restaurant list (MAUI)?

Where are you staying? What area? That will help narrow down your search. I was just there and stayed on Kaanapali Beach/Lahaina area.

Should we get rid of athletics in schools?

Many other leading countries have gotten rid of athletics in their school system. As a result they are turning out some of the best athletes as well as better academics. My question is simple should we get rid of them in the US like they do in other countries? I'm not looking for yeses or nos I am looking for substantial evidence to support or negate the feelings you have towards the idea.

HELP! How can i send substantial money to usa from uk?

im moving over there and have quite a substantial amount of money i want to bring over. however, i haven't the faintest idea where to go about it! HELP

Is there something wrong with this economic explanation?

Whether X and Y are algebraic variables or assigned names in a program .....both the answers have taken care of that.

I have a problem with my favorite cat please help!!! i dont know how long i have?

I have a sweet domesticatedred (DSH) cat and she is getting up there in age. she is 12 and she has a slight health problem. She is obese and the vets have done everything they can to help she gains a little weight now and then but nothings substantial. Thats not her problem, for 12 years she has gone to the bathroom in her littetrbox and now for some reason she is making (number 2 ) all around the litter box but not in it?! i dont know why. and she is acting weird about everything. she follows me around and she always is meowing and i dont know why she is behaving diffrent . Please help my mom said that if we cant find whats wrong we have to put her down. All answeres are appreciated and please be serious im in some trouble. :(

Atheists and Christians are you concerned and watch what meat you're buying?

Do you buy meat labelled halal or kosher? Any sane individual would call it barbaric and callous. It is claimed that on a scale of measuring pain it rates 84% compared to 13% of stunned meat. And it takes 16 minutes for the animal to die compared to 3 minutes in stunning. I wanna know your views. Btw here's more info -…

Lesbian or pansexual?

I mean at first I considered myself as bisexual ( about a year and a half ago ) when I came to except myself but now I'm kinda doubting who I am. Don't get me wrong, I still find myself attracted to girls ( I'm a girl ) and honestly living life with guys only would seriously suck! (shudder ) no offence to the guys out there. So now a days I'm back to that confused stage, I'm starting to think am I either a lesbian or pansexual or fluid? Or just plain labeless ( which sounds good i geuss ). You see I wouldn't mind dating a guy or girl but when it comes to thinking of guys sexualy I just get grossed out ( this is some days ) and then other days I just kinda think love is wonderful and I really don't give a **** weather your a guy or girl or a transvestite or what not. Today I kinda took a quiz for fun ( quizzes get you no where really ) but it told me flat out i was either pan-curious or label free. Sorry if my story's kinda confusing aha :P but yeah thanks for your opinion. I mean I know I have to figure this out myself but meeh it get's hard at times and I just want an outsiders view. Thaaanks :) x

Cruise excursion with kids in hawaii?

We are taking a cruise to hawaii from san diego,with 8 sea days and 5 days visiting the islands in April. We are taking 2 kids age 13 & 4 at the time of cruise. Does anyone have any suggestions on what we should do while in port? Since we have our 4 year old I was thinking we may just rent a car. We will be visiting Hilo, Maui , Honolulu, Kona, and Kauai. This will be the kids first cruise, our second, and first time to hawaii. Thank you!

Things to do in Maui, Hawaii?

I'm going to Maui, Hawaii for a two week vacation. I've never been before so I don't know what to expect. What are some fun things to do there? Cool sites to see? Cool stores or restaurants? Anything that'll get me more excited about it.

Are there any places in maui, hawaii where you can stay right on the beach, not just with a view of the beach?

If you mean hotels, the hotel strip at Kaanapali Beach is likely your best bet. There is only a walking path between the hotel buildings and the beach, and many of the restaurants have a beach view. I've stayed here: a href="" rel="nofollow" See the pictures. There are other less pricy hotels on Kaanapali Beach.

Private or Catholic School?

Well my husband Jason and I make a substantial amount of money now and we've balanced our income with our expenses. Now, we are looking into either a Private or Catholic School for our three out of four children, Michael (9), going into 4th grade, Anthony (6), going into 1st grade, and Juliana (4), going into Preschool. Now we are looking at both Private and Catholic. We are Catholic, but aren't sure. Has anyone had any experience in either? We are planning on having more children in the future as we are stable, and would want more, so we need a substantial school. What are the benefits of Private or Catholic School??

Computer Upgrade/Compatibility Question For Rift Max Settings?

I cant find anything on that motherboard. Could you add what model number the hp computer is? It'll be on the tag on the top/rear of the case.

How do you make money buying and selling websites?

I read an article about making decent money online buying and selling websites for a profit after you redesign/ remarket them. Does anybody have experience doing this? I have modest computer skills, I'm not in the industry. Is there a substantial profit to be made. I would like to start with about $500-1,000.

When im older, what are good ways to make a substantial amount of money?

I'm 16 and when I'm older I wanna make good money. I wanna be successful, take care of my mother. I just wanna make a ton of money. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not the smartest person out there, but I'm very driven and want to succeed. What are some good jobs, investment to make, things to do. I'm not afraid to have to work 80 hours a week.

My dad is uncomfortable with his ethnicity?

My dad is uncomfortable with being Caucasian. My Mom is Japanese, from Japan and my Dad has always been into the Asian culture. He met her when she was teaching Japanese and he was her student. I am super close with my family but sometimes my dad really gets on my nerves when he talks about me being Asian. I think he labels me as "asian" because that would mean both my parents are Asian. My dad is less than a quarter Native American, but he looks mostly White and we have nothing to do with the Native American culture. I feel like he's always pushing me to say I'm Asian, but I'm not. I'm mixed, and I wish he would understand that he can't change that. He always tells me "Be proud of being Asian" and I want to say "Be proud of being White dad!" Cause he should.I want him to be proud of what he is, not pretend he's something he's not. Could anyone give me some advice on how to fix this? I'm getting annoyed with him trying to convince me that I'm just asian... when I'm proud of all the bloods that make up who I am.

What are some great boats in maui ?

my family are going to maui in a week and we wanted a boat where they feed u breakfast and lunch and take you snorkeling

Where can i find chocolate uggs with a brown label? Please!!!!!!?

i really like the chocolate uggies. but i only like them with the brown label. so do u know where i can buy them from

When people self-label themselves a "free-thinker", how do they know that they are, in fact, a "free-thinker"?

What have they done, so that they reason themselves to be a "free-thinker" compared to other non-free-thinkers. How do you know are aren't a trapped-thinker, and it is others who are free?

Technical law question about a company on the news being sued, can any lawyers answer this for us?

My friend and I were watching the news about a woman who was sexually harassed at work and sued the company. She was awarded $95 million, obviously a substantial amount of money, and we were curious as to whether or not the specific "harasser" (she was harassed multiple times by one specific individual) could in turn be sued by the company -- in addition to being sued/charged w/ assault and harassment by the original defendant -- considering he and he alone personally cost the company $95 million dollars? And if no, why not?

Confused about sexuality ...?

I mean at first I considered myself as bisexual ( about a year and a half ago ) when I came to except myself but now I'm kinda doubting who I am. Don't get me wrong, I still find myself attracted to girls ( I'm a girl ) and honestly living life with guys only would seriously suck! (shudder ) no offence to the guys out there. So now a days I'm back to that confused stage, I'm starting to think am I either a lesbian or pansexual or fluid? Or just plain labeless ( which sounds good i geuss ). You see I wouldn't mind dating a guy or girl but when it comes to thinking of guys sexualy I just get grossed out ( this is some days ) and then other days I just kinda think love is wonderful and I really don't give a **** weather your a guy or girl or a transvestite or what not. Today I kinda took a quiz for fun ( quizzes get you no where really ) but it told me flat out i was either pan-curious or label free. Sorry if my story's kinda confusing aha :P but yeah thanks for your opinion. I mean I know I have to figure this out myself but meeh it get's hard at times and I just want an outsiders view. Thaaanks :) x

My fellow atheists, do you believe that Richard Dawkins exists?

Do you believe in Richard Dawkins? If your answer was yes, why? Most of us have assumed Dawkins’ existence based on very little evidence. I for one have never met him. And though I’ve seen a couple of pieces of video footage, a few pictures and his name as author on a number of books, when you think about it, it’s not that substantial. I’ve seen video clips and pictures of ‘Santa Claus’, too. And authors use pseudonyms all the time, so there’s no telling who really wrote The God Delusion or The Greatest Show on Earth.

What to bring for Hawaii for a week?

I'm going to Hawaii to Maui and a volcano I think. What are the essentials, like how much clothes and shoes? Culture tips?

Question About Transfats, please help.?

Trans fats don't cause weight gain, but they do contribute to heart disease. As long as you stay under the recommended 5 grams per day then you'll be fine. Just be careful not to buy anymore products with partially hydrogenated oils.

When do you think will I thin out?

You will become thin if you do workouts or exercise daily. You will know when then if you do that regularly with full commitment and motivation.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Looking for a zipline tour in Maui?

I am going to Maui next month and i heard the zipline tours are really fun. There are several websites and a few different places in Maui to do these. Which zipline tour is a good one and where is the best website to get a deal?

Romance never lasts, so why trust it? Why is its impact so strong?

No matter what your age. It's nice but it never seems to carry over into anything substantial. No wonder people prefer movies.

Can some one out the help out a lame dude?

I got nothing to look for in life . . .goal yeah but don't got the skill in it an for some f up resin i can learn it on my own . I'm just look in for some one to teach me how to be smart ,fast, and military skills . yeah sound weird but I think I realy got nothing to live for sshi.ty lookin for some and i don't know wht it is . 19 goin on 20 . live maui . give some help pls.

What to get my special guy for his birthday?

Okay, this guy Steve and I are NOT dating but we have this "thing" going on, And it's very serious so basically dating without the label. It's early in our so called "relationship" And his birthday is coming up soon but I don't want something that says I love you but something more along the lines of I like you ALOT. By the way Im 17 and he's 17 turning 18.....Any ideas?

I want to start a home business selling fashion accesories?

i am starting a home business and want to sell fashion Accessories such as maui jim sunglasses and coach purses and watches i want to sell name brand designer items i found a website that sells oakley glasses for 16dollars i want things like that. real designer items for very cheap to sell and make a profit

Are the Maui Jim HT lenses see-through?

I am looking to buy some the Maui Cat iii sunglasses by Maui Jim, with the Maui HT lenses on them. Are these lenses see-through if you were looking at someone wearing them? i think that seeing somebody's eyes when they are wearing sunglasses looks a little strange, so I'd like to know. Thanks!

What if what you say before it happens, happens?

i was in my bunk on a cruise ship in hawaii. While reading my bible i heard the voice of the Lord in my head, not audible like in the butcher shop a few months later. he started to tell me to write to my grandmother in Wales, i had only signed cards previously, my mother would buy them and I sign, occasional call, hello, how are you. The lord wanted me to tell my grandmother that she only had six months to live and that he would be waiting for her on the other side and not to fear. I did and sent $100, telling her to buy a a nice dress. My cousin Mark got married and she wore her new dress. My aunt asked her where the money came from and my grandmother kept quiet and did not explain. I had written an 11 page letter explaining salvation from Adam to Jesus and assumed she did not know Jesus in my judgemental zeal. She was angry and insulted. I called my mother every month and asked if she had heard from her mother and explained what i had done, she was pissed. I said if you have an issue with this then you need to take it up with God because he told me to write it, i was not the slighted bit apologetic. My mother informed me several months later that her mother was in the hospital with cancer. She died in the sixth month. My auntie came over to the U.S. 10 years later. She had a pendant with the Lords prayer engraved on her neck and I commented on it. She said her mother had one just like it but she had lost it the day of the funeral. The night before she was leaving while looking for a pen in her purse, she found it and gave it to me, not her daughter of son or grandchild but to me. It was confirmation to me. About the angels voice I heard. I had been walking down the beach in Maui and I asked God for $30,000 for bible school. A week later while in the butcher shop, I was cutting frozen veal shanks, the saw was not working properly. I had to catch the slice meat on the other side of the blade, the guide thing was broken and wouldn't stay in place. I worked with confidence and care. I suddenly heard a voice behind me. It said "you are about to cut your hand on the band saw. I turned around and saw nothing but say oddly out loud, "I don't think Jesus would let that happen to me" and went back to work, my hand got cut, had two surgeries and was awarded $29, 897 or something in that neighbourhood it was 1985. I went to Moody Bible Institute in 1988. I didn' finish and glad too. i see the infiltration of the enemy in all these institutions now. So many shills about deceiving the flock. Ecumenism's is destroying the remnant church. I haven't attended a church regularly since 1989. Something is very wrong. The Bible talks of God sending a strong delusion upon the earth. This new age, new world order thing is exactly that. "we are gods" is pure evil. So my point is to those who refuse to believe in the supernatural, you go to the crazy house, you can see that creatures have no plug. We have an internal energy generator and can see and perceive and speak. That alone speaks of the supernatural. How could this be? Its so amazing. The Bible speaks of Gods glory being plainly visible by all that is made and man is without excuse. Those who have been educated, i mean indoctrinated. Have been lied to about history and assumed the theories put forth by those prior are factual. A theory by definition cannot be proven or it would not be classified as a theory, helloooo. Know there is a God and that he wants to adopt you into His family through His son Jesus Christ. Ask Him today. So waht if what I say happens, what does that mean?