Friday, July 15, 2011

Why do people believe in ghosts?

There has been an ongoing debate as to explain how and why ghosts and spirits exist and where they reside. There are different types of haunting so there would need appropriate explanations for each. The residual haunting is where there is not spirit manifestation but it is just that an event is played over and over like a recording. It is like an imprint of that occurrence or individual (s). There are reports of battle scenes being replayed and witnesses to see this happen all when there are no reenactments being performed. Some theorize that ghosts and spirits exist in a dimension that is parallel to ours.That these energies can coexist along side us and at times can interact with the living. Intelligent hauntings are equally as perplexing and sometimes more startling as residual ones. That ghosts and spirits can call us out, move things and appear at times can cause individuals to re evaluate their very concept of reality. Quantum mechanics and quantum theory is opening up new doors in explaning how and why hauntings can and do happen. Why and how they occurr is very much at the heart of many paranormal research teams as they investigate others claims. Either way, everyone has to agree that it is one of the more compelling and mysterious aspects we can come in contact with. Some say they do not exist and some say they do. I Have had personal experiences with things that I cannot easily explain . Though I know what I experienced I also know that I cannot prove it.It is something that I live with. You also have to consider the countless reports throughout history from individuals who have had such experiences with ghosts and spirits. Possibly even from your own family. It just cannot all be some sort of elaborate hoax or mass hysteria. I do personally feel that it is but another aspect to our existence and is probably one of the more compelling components to this reality.

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