Monday, July 11, 2011

The World of Lovecraft?

Okay so ive played WoW for about 6 years now, im great at it. I play on and off 6 months here and there and get bored and quit. While i play it becomes the center of my world, i put on a substantial amount of weight and become a slave to the game. Recently i got my girlfriend addicted as well so that she would let me play more often and feel included, but as of recent ive gotten bored of the game and want to stop yet she continues to put large amounts of hours weekly into the game. Shes stopped having sex with me and says things like "My character wont level itself" or "Blizzard isnt givin epics away - i need rep" whenever i want a date night. How can i make my girlfriend stop playing so much wow and want to have lots of sex with me at the same time? Would trying to roleplay as our characters work? Additional Information: Shes a Tauren and im a Gnome

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